Documentary short produced by Joel Engardio that uses narrative storytelling to ask the following controversial but necessary public policy questions:
- How can palliative care doctors help the dying live more fully?
- Can we provide better end-of-life care with less cost?
-How do we address the real issues around death and dying everyone must face?
-Can we avoid the politics of “death panels” and “pulling the plug on grandma” to have more meaningful discussions?
Instructional video produced by Joel Engardio for Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation, documenting the sensitive discussions a doctor has with a dying patient. The video applied negotiation framework to an extreme situation to help students better understand how to manage the tensions of a difficult negotiation.
Online advocacy videos produced by Joel Engardio for the American Civil Liberties Union.
Engardio developed a process that applied journalism methods to plaintiff-finding for the ACLU. He found plaintiffs who had narratives that played well in both the court of law and public opinion. Then Engardio started an online video department to produce short films featuring the most compelling stories.
"Lectures are boring
Tell a story to change minds
Issues with a face"