Introduces Joel Engardio and outlines his guiding principles as he asks voters to run with him.

Pokes fun at life’s daily frustrations so voters can better understand what it feels like to be a small business owner in San Francisco.

In a city where there are more dogs than children, San Francisco is surprisingly not always dog friendly.

If only City Hall balances its budget the way 8-year-old Ava spends her allowance.

Why are we cutting down healthy trees just because they’re not native to San Francisco?

Joel Engardio outlines his campaign platform for public access television, sponsored by League of Women Voters.

Joel Engardio explains why he is running for supervisor at the candidate forum sponsored by West of Twin Peaks Central Council.

Each candidate takes one minute to say why they are running: Mike Garcia, Joel Engardio, FX Crowley and Norman Yee.

Joel Engardio talks about helping small business and job creation at candidate forum sponsored by League of Women Voters.

Joel Engardio talks about public transportation and neighborhood schools at candidate forum sponsored by League of Women Voters.

Joel Engardio discusses ballot Proposition A, which would bring competitive bidding to San Francisco’s trash and recycling operations.
April 25, 2012

Joel Engardio appears on the "Face to Face with Stu Smith" show. San Francisco cable TV. Engardio discusses San Francisco politics, his background and his run for supervisor.
September 2012.