
A plaque that says “What would Jimmy Carter Do?" hangs above Joel’s desk at City Hall. It provides inspiration for his work as a city supervisor — and advice for the political science graduates of San Francisco State University.
May 2024

Joel Engardio shares the story of his late boyfriend Mark Lim to raise awareness for the group San Francisco Hep B Free Bay Area. Mark didn't get the information that could have saved his life, but this group is working to make sure no one else suffers the same fate.
October 16, 2023

San Francisco Supervisor Joel Engardio's inauguration speech.
January 7, 2023

Highlights of Joel Engardio's Election Night speech for San Francisco District 4 Supervisor. November 8, 2022

Joel Engardio explains why he is running for supervisor in San Francisco. September 2022. Learn more at engardio.com

Good public schools are essential for a city to thrive. But San Francisco’s school board has failed at its job. It has failed students and families. That’s why we’re organizing to recall the school board. My remarks at the recall campaign launch honor the parents and residents driving the change we need.
November 4, 2021

Joel Engardio outlines his campaign platform for San Francisco District 7 Supervisor on public access television, sponsored by League of Women Voters. September 2020.

Joel Engardio, vice president of Stop Crime SF, presents the state of crime in San Francisco at westside forum with District Attorney George Gascon. May 2018.

Joel Engardio public comment at San Francisco City Hall on need for more middle-income housing. May 8, 2017.

Joel Engardio outlines his campaign platform for San Francisco District 7 Supervisor on public access television, sponsored by League of Women Voters. September 2016.

Joel Engardio speaks about LGBT rights in relation to Title VII and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) at a panel hosted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in San Francisco. This was part of a celebration of 50 years of the Civil Rights Act. June 2014.

Joel Engardio introduces first-ever meeting of the Alice B. Tolkas LGBT Democratic Club on San Francisco's historically conservative Westside. October 7, 2013.

Joel Engardio outlines his campaign platform for San Francisco District 7 Supervisor on public access television, sponsored by League of Women Voters. September 2012.

Joel Engardio discusses ballot Proposition A, which would bring competitive bidding to San Francisco’s trash and recycling operations. April 2012.

Joel Engardio introduces end-of-life care topic for the Harvard Law School negotiation workshop as an example of handling a difficult conversation. January 2012.

Joel Engardio speaks to the wedding guests after marrying Lionel Hsu on February 21, 2015.

Joel Engardio tells the story of Harvard's infamous gay purge. Graduation week falls on the purge's anniversary. Engardio imagined how a commencement speech could acknowledge the injustice and subsequent rainbow. The text was published in USA Today, a few days before Engardio graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School on May 26, 2011.

Joel Engardio's video submission to the "It Gets Better Project" dedicated to giving hope to LGBT youth confronted with harassment and thoughts of suicide. It was created in 2010 in the wake of a rash of LGBT suicides across the United States. This video is from October 2010.

Joel Engardio's NPR essay "Learning True Tolerance" broadcast on Weekend Edition Sunday as part of the "This I Believe" series.

Joel Engardio on a silent epidemic targeting the Asian American community.
Jan. 9, 2003

Joel Engardio gives a tribute to his late boyfriend Dr. Mark Lim, who died of liver cancer at age 31 caused by Hepatitis B. The speech is part of an event by Stanford University's Asian Liver Center and Jade Ribbon Campaign to raise awareness of the "Silent Epidemic" of Hepatitis B and liver cancer in the Asian American population. Engardio spoke at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco on November 20, 2003.
Joel Engardio speech on why moderates are the true progressives in San Francisco. Engardio was the guest speaker at the Golden Gate Breakfast Club in August 2014.