Posts in Innovation
Fiber For All

When we’re forced to work and attend school from our kitchen tables, a shaky internet connection at home is as frustrating as driving down a bumpy road. City Hall is supposed to fill potholes. Perhaps it’s time to add fiber infrastructure to the list of essential municipal services. Fiber in every home would benefit everyone and give our local economy a boost in a post-pandemic world.

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Don’t Abolish the Police: Let’s Remake and Reimagine

Police departments must implement rigorous training and only hire police officers who will serve everybody at the highest standard. This requires investment. San Francisco's police department has put a lot of work into reforms in recent years and has made much progress. That's why defunding or disbanding SFPD would be reckless. This is the time to remake, reimagine and reinvest in policing that keeps everyone safe.

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The Dom-i-city Effect

Can a Paris streetscape inspire us to create 10,000 new homes for middle-income families? Dom-i-city is a bold idea that solves land creation, financing, affordability and neighborhood quality of life in ways never considered in San Francisco.

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Housing, InnovationJoel Engardio
A Green Rainbow for Our Time

African Americans arrested for being in a Starbucks and the Supreme Court deciding if businesses can deny LGBTQ customers. Today’s news reminds Angelic Williams of The Green Book that helped her grandparents travel safely in Jim Crow America. So she created an app that tells LGBTQ people of color where they’re welcome.

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Calling Out a Silent Killer

Riding a tech bus to Silicon Valley has nothing to do with hepatitis B, but there's a good chance some of the passengers have the virus and don't know it. Why? Major risk factors include being millennial and Asian & Pacific Islander (APIs comprise nearly half of tech jobs and a quarter of the population in the Bay Area). Inaction can lead to death by liver cancer. That's why Arcadi Kolchak and Richard So are fighting to save their generation — and yours.

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Saving Mohammad

How did a lifeline for LGBT persecution in the Middle East start on the Google bus to Silicon Valley? Meet Kevin Steen, who wouldn’t let 7,500 miles get in the way of helping his Jordanian friend. “Mohammad’s dad threatened to shoot him,” Kevin said. “It was an honor crime waiting to happen.”

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LGBT, Innovation, TechJoel Engardio