Sunset Profile: Greening the Outer Sunset


Sasha Ponomareva and Will Tachau created a group called Green Outer Sunset with advice on how to get rid of the concrete in front of your home and replace it with something beautiful.

Sasha and Will are a new generation of Sunset residents who want to bring the green back. Watch the video to learn how they busted up the concrete in front of their home and installed a garden.

Look at all that concrete!


When the Outer Sunset neighborhoods were created in the 1930s to 1950s, things were much more green. The rows of new homes featured cute little front yards and gardens. But it became fashionable to pave everything over. Now, even Los Angeles has a greater percentage of tree canopy cover than San Francisco.

Video produced and edited by volunteer Phil Reiff. We encourage volunteers with media experience, retired journalists, and student journalists in high school and college to volunteer as video producers and writers for Supervisor Engardio’s newsletter. Interested? Apply here. Do you know a story you would like to see featured in the newsletter? Tell us about it here.